The policy Total Quality Management commits Intereuropa to environmentally-friendly logistical services – the Green Logistics.
Nearly all the vehicles comply with the European requirements in terms of emissions (of exhaust fumes) and the noise level. Vehicles not complying with the European standard are not used locally in the domestic market. Likewise, we keep to the European rules governing the transport of dangerous goods. To cope with any uncontrolled spill or discharge of fluids, our parking facilities are equipped with catchers below the surface to intercept lubricants, provided by our authorised contractors and installed according to the current technical and ecological standards. Our four warehousing facilities to store dangerous goods are also complying with all the relevant regulations.
Ecological standards are also applied in the re-engineering and construction of new facilities, as well as in purchasing new plant equipment. The compliance with these standards is regularly checked by analyses of waste waters and exhaust fumes. The measurements satisfy the requirements of the Slovenian Decree on the emission of substances in the discharge of waste water from petrol stations, facilities for the maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles and car-washes (Official Gazette of the R. Slovenia/ Ur.l. no. 10/99).
The waste resulting from our operations is collected separately and disposed of by organizations authorised for special waste disposal. We will equip all our major waste disposal sites with reliable screw-operating compactors and contribute to improved ecological effect.