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Supervisory board
Intereuropa's main activity is the provision of a comprehensive range of logistics services to the complete satisfaction of its customers. We manage a comprehensive range of logistics services covering three key business areas: land transport, intercontinental transport and logistics solutions.

According to the Articles of Association of Intereuropa d.d., the company’s Supervisory Board has seven members of which four represent the interests of shareholders and three the interests of employees. Members of the Supervisory Board are elected for a period of four years and may be eligible for re-election. Members of the Supervisory Board that represent the interests of shareholders are elected by the General Meeting, and Members of the Supervisory Board representing employees are elected by the council of workers which notifies the General Meeting of their election.

The fundamental duty of the Supervisory Board is to oversee the management of the company's operations and to supervise the Group's activities. Major responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include appointment and removal of board members and approval of the annual report.

Responsibilities, management and method of operation of the Supervisory Board are laid down by the Companies Act (ZGD-1), the company's Articles of Association and Procedure of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board lays down an annual plan of its activities and defines the subject matter and time schedule of its meetings. The Supervisory Board shall determine in advance the dates and indicative subject matter of its meetings, particularly those that are mandatory in respect of its commitment to publicly release the company's operating results. The Supervisory Board reports on its activities to the General Meeting in writing.

The Supervisory Board adopts a decision to set up committees whose key task is to advise the Supervisory Board in making decisions on specific issues.  In the setting up of individual committees, the Supervisory Board determines the term of office as well as the responsibilities and mandate of their members.

Statute of Intereuropa d.d.
Share value  IEKG
Last update: 28.05.2024
1.70 €
About share